Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Farm Day

What a difference a new rug can make!

Added a dry erase board to our book center, along with some sight word cards to copy.

Our ear buds that we use for our Leap pad collection always get tangled. This hook system is cheap and keeps them separated.

We've never had a rug under here since I came into the room. Hope to get a new one someday but large preschool rugs are just so expensive!

Rugs are supposed to help with noise.

Farm Day!!!

Thanks to Mr. Darrel and his wife for bringing a tractor and goat to see us.

Lots of climbing fun.

Not sure what to make of the goat....

The kids really enjoy seeing animals.

Mrs. Brenda is our wonderful cook (and impromptu singer).

Yee haw!

My class (plus a furry addition--she's not officially enrolled  ;)  )

My boss, Mrs. Leeann and her daughter


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