Tuesday, May 1, 2012

New ideas and math mats

Our preschool class recently had fun learning to add using their math mats and some dry cereal. First we rolled our large foam dice to see what numbers we would be adding. We then put the correct no. of cereal pieces into the adding circles on the mat. Lastly we scooted all the pieces of cereal together after the equals sign and added them up. We then ate our numbers. Yummy early math skills!

Thank to my friend Donna for alerting me to the wonderful pile of $1 Big Books at our local Goodwill, I came away with $25 less than before I went in, but came back rich on books! Before nap time my class loves to sit on their nap mats and look at their books. Their favorite book is probably Ten in the Bed.

I attended our monthly childcare association training to night and came away with fun ideas. One was called Traveling Suitcases. A provider in the group packs a story book and puppet/activity into mesh zipper laundry bags for her home-care children to check out on Friday afternoons. She had some really cute ideas. She also included a journal in each bag for parents to record their fun. In the bags with books associated with cooking she placed a small bag of cookie mix or pancake mix so the parent and child could bake together over the weekend.

The next idea (which was just adorable) was from a lady who made a photo album featuring  Mr. Manners and Mr. Rude. Manners and Rude are her own children, dressed up and photographed for the part. Rude is shown displaying rudeness in comedic scenarios around the classroom. Manners, is of course, shown using good manners in the classroom. The book was so funny to look at, and I can see where the photos would really appeal to kids. When someone displays rudeness in her daycare, she asks if the class should review the story of Mr. Manners and Mr. Rude (and of course, they say "Yes!"). 


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