Monday, April 9, 2012

Meet Tattle Ear

My director bought our class this tattle ear at our conference. My kids know the difference in a tattle and a report and I encourage them many times during the day to "talk to the ear".  :)

On another note: more furniture re-arranging.

I moved our music and computer center over to the wall and put a small table in front of it to use.

Our portable center....can be changed to match our themes. This is filled with beauty salon supplies.

I like the reading area better this way. Science is on the back side.

View of my room now. I think it feels more spacious.

Our V-Smile has been such a hit. We have two remotes and 16 takes us about 3 days to get everyone a 15-minute turn. I have two cups taped to the side of the tv. Each child has a popsicle stick with his or her name on it. One of the cups is labeled "Waiting to play" and the other says "Already played". I move the sticks according to who's had a turn.

It makes more sense to have the science center close to the sensory table and the huge human body poster.

Babies and baby supplies have taken up residence on a shelf in the house center.

Our "sit-upons" for circle time. I have bought a laundry basket to put them in as they soon became a mess all over the floor. Here is our circle time rhyme:
"When I go to circle time
I have a place that's mine all mine,
where I sit, and listen, and learn a lot.
It's called my little carpet spot."


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